Tattootales  Inc.
The  Back  Room

Say hello to Poppy, He runs a sort of tag sale back here.

Poppy likes a clean ship & disappears any "whack-y"   items he comes across for just a bit of  $$ cabbage $$
Make him an offer he can't refuse.


   The items Poppy sells
   below aren't  necessarily
   tattoo related so
   bookmark this page
   and pop in often,
   make Poppy happy.

*Christmas Card hand signed by former u.s.a. President Bill clinton & wife Hillary Rodham Clinton with raised presidental seal. $ price upon request $

*Discount on custom tattoo work at Tattootales $ 10% $


*China -Rosenthal london- new, still in box's. Set of 7 five piece place setting's,sugar bowl & creamer $ 400. $


Interested or questions on above ? E-Mail us

Hey! No cutting the cheese in the back room "Poppy no like"
Just a simple click will do & your out.